Md Shahin Aktar, MSc
IT and Data Manager
Shahin Aktar is the IT and Data Manager at SAIST Foundation. He joined the SAIST Foundation in 2016 as a research assistant and worked on many research projects. He oversaw the research team's making of questionnaires, data collection, literature review, sampling, and arranging research-related intensive courses, workshops, seminars, and discursive dialogues, among other things. Shahin Akhtar acquired his BSS and MSS in Sociology from Dhaka International University in 2015 and 2016, respectively, and he completed a course on Research Methodology from the Center for Advanced Research in Social Science, University of Dhaka. He is a member of the Regional Editor (Bangladesh) of Global Dialogue, A Quarterly Magazine of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
He opted to pursue a career in information technology because he has had a great interest in programming since childhood. He began studying software programming and earned a postgraduate Enterprise Systems Analysis & Design diploma using C# under the IsDB-BISEW IT Scholarship. In addition, he completed a professional course in relational database management systems (RDMS), and under the Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP), he completed another professional course in BIG DATA, DATA ANALYTICS, AND DATA SCIENCE. Before joining Nextel Communication as a full-struck software developer, he applied for the Microsoft Certification Exam and successfully passed the most challenging exam with a score of 944 out of 1000 marks. He obtained the prestigious Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) Certificate. He completed his M.Sc. in Computer Science with a major in Software Engineering at the University of South Asia and pursued an M.Sc. in Applied Statistics and Data Science at Jahangirnagar University. Moreover, he likes to go to new places, has done a lot of cultural exchange programs, and is a mountaineer.